2023 Fitness Trends, Let's Ride!

and What to Expect in the New Year

2023 Fitness Trends Moodboard

2023 Fitness Trends Moodboard

Welcome to your one-stop shop for all things health, fitness, and science. I'm Lara, your Head Coach, and Head Conductor of the Pain Train.

All aboard.

Let's learn why health and fitness should matter to you.

Here's what we got for you:

  • 2023 Fitness, Health, and Wellness Trends - What I think we will see

  • Grab that barbell, baby

  • Hot Links

2023 Fitness, Health, and Wellness Trends

Take the plunge?! 🥶 I’m sure many of us are becoming more and more familiar with the rising trend of cold plunges and cold exposure therapy. The growth of this activity has turned Wim Hof, extreme athlete and advocate for all things icy, into nothing short of a celebrity. Those who have opted to take the plunge are reporting effects such as reduced stress, decreased anxiety and grief, and lesser bouts of depression- studies support this, too.

Sleep supplements are gaining popularity as more and more people are struggling with getting quality sleep. Substances like melatonin, GABA, magnesium, and the ever-so classic chamomile are well-liked by the masses. If you are one of those people who are tired of being tired, it might benefit you to look into your sleep routine. Creating a habit of when you go to bed and when you get up, avoiding bright lights and exercise right before bed, and journaling or reading in the evenings can help your body and brain wind down for a restful snooze. This could be you (if it isn't already) ⬇️

Sleeping Lad

Sober curiosity is on the rise as people decide to trade hangovers for mental clarity and clear skin (YES plz for me 🙋‍♀️). Bars and restaurants are taking notice and many are now featuring 0% alcohol options. Younger millennials have been the driving force of this interest in sobriety but everyone who enjoys alcohol may benefit from cutting back occasionally as alcohol can significantly affect and prevent quality rest and recovery. Here is a New York Times article on the 17 best non-alcoholic drinks.

“Gut Talk” is currently a wildly popular topic as individuals look to their gut health in an effort to understand and increase their cognitive function and immunity (seems crazy, I know). A branch of your autonomic nervous system, specifically your enteric nervous system, has recently been dubbed as “the brain in your gut”- scientists are drawing links between your digestion and your mood, mental processes, and general health. Something to keep in mind for 2023… you really are what you eat!

Serious strength training is HOT 🥵. As people get back into the swing of training with heavy weights, expect to see more emphasis on strength training in 2023. This may even extend to workouts that don't typically incorporate weight training like yoga or mobility workouts. Don't be surprised if you see more routines that combine different types of workouts, like weight training with yoga, mobility, and even meditation. OH- and don't forget to catch those 💤's- Can't build muscle without that good good sleep.

There's my take for 2023- Happy sweating! : )

‼️ PLEASE pick up a barbell ‼️

Banded exercises and wildly creative variations are all the rave these days. While they're awesome for keeping yourself entertained in the gym, they may not be the ideal choice for building lean muscle and getting stronger.

This is where compound moves come in, and they are going to be your BFF.

Try incorporating some barbell (or dumbbell) squats, deadlifts, lunges, or bench presses into your next workout- trust me, there are ton's of variations, and you won't get bored of looking strong AF 🔥Try out 4 sets of 8-12 reps with any one of these movements. Make sure you give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest after each set!

the handshake

Hot Links

Meal prep: It's soup szn. Try this easy, and cheap kale soup from Max Lugavere. Max is NYT best-selling author on longevity, brain health, and nutrition (He is an amazing follow). *We recommend throwing some chicken in to hit that daily protein 💪🏻

Cold Plunge: Looking for an at-home cold plunge setup? Check out powerlifting world record holder and physical therapist, Dr. Stefi Cohen's company- Polar Monkey Studios. Not looking for an in-home tub? Click here to find a facility near you.

Music for your Mind: Here is a meta-analysis examining if binaural beats can help reduce pain perception and anxiety 🤯 Never fear! A bumpin' binaural playlist is here.

Trying to get your gut right? Here's a stellar probiotic to check out- Seed.

Picture you absolutely annihilating your 2023 goals... Now go listen to this podcast to help get yourself there 😎 Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman and NYS Professor of Psychology Dr. Emily Balcetis review tools for setting and achieving goals.

Alright, the train ride is over. We will see you next Monday for all things health, fitness, and nutrition. If you want more, be sure to follow our Twitter (@laracox_)

Or take a look at our services (here) if you need help with anything fitness or nutrition related!

DISCLAIMER: The information in this newsletter is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. It should not be used for diagnosing or prescribing medication. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, please consult your healthcare provider.