Artificial Sweetener = ☠️

ALSO: ✨Deinfluencing✨

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  • Artificial Sweetener = ⚰️☠️

  • Deinfluencing✨

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  • Mfit meme to make your day

Artificial Sweetener = ⚰️☠️

Recently, a study came out reviewing the erythritol and its long term effect on cardiometabolic disease risk. Erythritol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol and used in lots of foods as a sugar substitute because of its lack of odor and aftertaste. Your body actually produces small amounts of erythritol during glucose metabolism!

This particular study has spread like wildfire across social media and people are panicking about their own personal consumption of erythritol. "Erythritol is going to kill you!"- the information shared in the study is not exactly the same as this scary message thats being relayed and blown up by mainstream media. Let's break down why this information is not what it may seem.

The researchers had already selected a group of individuals to participate in this study who were high risk. These people were sick from the start. Over 40% of participants had already experienced a cardiac event prior to the study!😳 This is important to note because natural production of erythritol can be elevated in individuals who are dealing with issues relating to oxidative stress/associated conditions like cardiac events. There was elevated levels of erythritol in their systems before the testing even began.

Researchers conducting this study looked at erythritol levels in the blood. They did not take into account actual Intake or consumption of erythritol. They did not look into the subject's intake of erythritol prior to the study, either! So to everyone who is losin' their shorts over thinking their erythritol consumption is going to lead them to an early grave... Pull your shorts back up. You're going to be just fine. 🙃


If you have social media, there's a 99% chance you've seen an advertisement or video where a creator is using the Bloom Nutrition greens powder. Bloom Nutrition makes a variety of claims for what this powder is going to do for you, I've listed them directly from the website.

  • Gut-Support: Full of natural digestive enzymes and dairy-free probiotics to help balance your gut and combat uncomfortable bloat

  • Immunity: Rich in antioxidants like barley grass, wheatgrass & spiraling to help support your body's natural defense

  • Energy: Packed with organic fruits & vegetables to boost your natural energy levels

  • Flavor: Available in 5 naturally delicious flavors to make getting in 30+ essential nutrients the easiest, most enjoyable part of your day

With this list of benefits, what's not to love?! Actually, there's quite a bit about this stuff thats "not to love" 🙁💔

The first red flag is that it's nearly impossible to find a review on this stuff that is positive and not sponsored. Everyone talking about this stuff is participating in a brand deal where Bloom Nutrition is paying them to say good things about the product. 🤔 Where are the peeps who just genuinely like the product because it works?

The rest of the red flags pop up when we look at the ingredient label.

All of these "blends" you see above are also commonly referred to as proprietary blends. This means that we don't actually know how much of each ingredient is in the finished product. There are scientifically studied "effective" dosages of plenty of these ingredients but judging by the total volume of each blend comparative to the minimum effective doses... There is literally not enough to make this en effective product.

Another interesting takeaway from the ingredient label- the pre and probiotic blend. Traditionally, you will see pre and probiotics measured in CFU's as opposed to milligrams. CFU stands for colony forming units which tells us how much of the living and viable bacteria can get down and dirty putting in work on our gut. How the heck are we supposed to know whether or not there is a healthy amount of bacteria with a measurement unit of mg?!

The last piece of this questionable product I would like to touch on is the digestive enzyme blend. Ingredient #1 is maltodextrin- which is not a digestive enzyme. Weird, right? Maltodextrin is commonly used in products as a filler. 😒 Come on Bloom Nutrition.

There is plenty more information you can read up on about why Bloom Nutrition Greens powder is a sub-par product. Greens powders all together can be great, but truly nothing will ever replace getting in those actual earth-grown fruits and vegetables🍎

💕Have a good day and don't forget to eat your 🥦

Hot Links

Erythritol & Cardiovascular Event Risk: Here is the ☠️ study we talked about earlier...

Athletic Greens🌱: I'm not sponsored by these guys ( I'll be cool enough someday 😉) regardless, check them out here if you are still wanting a powdered greens supplement (P.S. remember, no greens powder can replace a balanced and healthy diet where you consume REAL fruits and veggies!)

Atomic Habits☢️: If you're into books or looking to take your life to the next level, check out the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. It's a valuable read full of self help strategies and small changes you can make on the daily to revamp your day. One of my fav concepts from the book is the thought of doing 1% better than yesterday. 1% every day can go a very long way to transform you and your habits.

Real Life Limitless Drug🍄: Check out this podcast where Joe and Chris Claussen share their experiences with micro-dosing and their supplement company First Person

🔥Monday Meme for u 💕

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