Big Breakfast is the MOVE

PLUS: How to Stop Binging

Hey! This is the Malaika Fitness newsletter- The newsletter that turns health and fitness into a fun, easy-to-read email for you each week.

Take five minutes to learn why health and fitness should matter to you.

Here's what we got for you:

  • Big Breakfast is the MOVE

  • How to 🛑 Binging

  • Hot Links

  • Mfit Meme 💪🏻

Big Breakfast is the MOVE

Far too many of us skimp out on breakfast (if we eat anything at all)... I'm also guilty of missing breakfast from time to time 😅 Although skipping breakfast seems like it comes with minimal consequence, this missed meal could be creating difficulties for you throughout the day. Additionally, ensuring you have a hearty breakfast might actually help you burn MORE calories throughout the day. Kinda interesting, right?

In order to understand how a big breakfast is beneficial, you need to understand thermogenesis. Thermogenesis refers to the amount of energy your body utilizes (calories burned) simply digesting and processing the food you consume. The study we are reviewing today looked at thermogenesis and how it was affected by a large breakfast and a small dinner vs a small breakfast and larger dinner. Diet-induced thermogenesis was noted to be higher in the morning than the evening and, when paired with a large breakfast, led to a higher amount of calories burned during digestion. To quote the conclusion of the study directly, "extensive breakfasting should therefore be preferred over large dinner meals to prevent obesity and high blood glucose peaks even under conditions of a hypocaloric diet".

Message RECEIVED- Big breaky for the win 🥇

How to STOP Binging

Binging: to indulge in an activity, specifically eating for this application, in/to excess

Being stuck in an unpleasant cycle can be incredibly defeating and, for many people, binging is one of those cycles. Binging can be triggered by a myriad of things ranging from emotional turmoil or issues to lack of proper nutrition throughout the day. Here are some tips to try and alleviate that urge-

  • Eat more fiber! Fiber is superb for keeping you feeling nice and FULL. Additionally, fiber is absolutely amazing for your gut. Keeping your gut happy plays a large role in your mental/emotional state. Two birds, one stone!

  • Don't forget about breakfast 🍳 Like we talked about above, making sure you get a hearty and balanced breakfast in can be super beneficial for mitigating cravings and keeping your blood sugar balanced throughout the day. I was shocked at how much better I felt throughout the day when I prioritized a solid breaky 💪🏻

  • Stay on top of your hydration 💧This one can be easily misconstrued- don't think that any time you're hungry, you just need to eat. Sometimes, however, that pang of hunger really just might be dehydration. Keep up with those fluids to make sure your body has everything it needs!

  • Don't skip meals‼ I can't stress this one enough. Skipping meals can lead to high levels of hunger which can quickly turn into a hangry episode and/or crazy cravings. Prioritize yourself and your health and make sure you're getting all of your meals in. Keeping up with eating well will do so much for your brain and body throughout the day! When you make sure your cup is full, you can help others do the same.

  • The last bullet feeds right into this one- be mindful of your mental state and the emotions you are experiencing. If binging is something you struggle with due to trauma or stressful life events and changes, it might be a good idea to reach out to a mental health professional and take a look at the root of the issue. Take care of yourself! ❤️‍🩹

Hot Links

Eating Disorders: If you struggle with an eating disorder, here is a helpline for you to contact 💜 Never be afraid to ask for help!

Diet-Induced Thermogenesis 👀: Here is the study we looked at in the first part of this week's newsletter... Big breakfast, baby! 🍳

Protein Brownies🍫: This is a simple and DELICIOUS brownie recipe... The best part? 7g protein per serving AND no refined sugars

Take a breather real quick🧘🏻: spend a few minutes to destress with this short meditation

🔥Memes bc its Monday ⬇️

If you want more make sure to check us out on Insta!

Or take a look at our services (here) if you need help with anything fitness or nutrition related.