Go in with a PLAN

PLUS: Matcha 🍵

Hey! This is the Malaika Fitness newsletter- The newsletter that turns health and fitness into a fun, easy-to-read email for you each week.

Take five minutes to learn why health and fitness should matter to you.

Here's what we got for you:

  • Why you need an exercise program

  • Matcha 🍵

  • Hot Links

  • Mfit meme

Exercise Programming and why you need it

For many people who are new to the gym, it can be quite the daunting experience. It’s confusing to show up every day and piece together a weird assembly of moves in order to officially say you got your workout in. This might be fun for a while but one of two things usually ends up happening. #1- you find a few things and just run them on repeat. It’s like Groundhog Day. You have the same routine, with the exact same moves, at the exact same weights. Then we have #2- you show up at the gym and try new stuff all the time. You’re pin balling all over the place to try the newest move your favorite social media influencer is raving about (she says it will give you abs in one week so you are obviously going to make sure you really give it a shot today).

Here’s why both of these scenarios suck.

#1- You’re trapped doing the same things?! It’s boring and eventually you might end up falling off the fitness bandwagon altogether (seriously why would you want to keep showing up to workout if it's not any fun?!). If you’re not trying to up the weight each week, you’re also doing yourself a disservice. Going through the motions is certainly not going to benefit you when it comes to making GAINZ.

#2- You’re learning new things which is awesome- sure! How the heck are you going to get better at something if you don’t give yourself the opportunity to get better in the first place? Consistency with movements is what you really are missing for this one.

Want a solution? Get yourself set up with an exercise program.

An exercise program is a plan that takes into account types of exercises, exercise progressions, intensity, and rest. These programs are crafted in a way to make your training more efficient, prevent and reduce the likelihood of injury, and help you reach your goals. One of the most important parts of these programs is how YOU follow them. Make sure to implement progressive overload and you are really going to set yourself up to succeed.

I've talked about progressive overload before, but if you needed a refresher, its the gradual increase of weight or intensity of a workout or movement over time. With any exercise program you follow, it's important to build up the weight as you repeat the same movements over the course of weeks and months. Progressive overload is REALLY how you make progress in the gym! I promise you are so much more capable than you think- pick up something heavier, or add a few extra reps and you'll thank yourself later.

When you hit the gym, one of the best things you can do is get your hands on an exercise program. Create a routine and stick to it! Allow yourself the opportunity to get stronger and more efficient at a variety of movements, and let the magic sauce flow (magic sauce = progressive overload, but you already knew that 🤭).

Need help with programming? Hit me up at [email protected] 💪🏻

Matcha 🍵

In recent years, matcha has grown in popularity due to its numerous health benefits. Matcha is a type of green tea that actually originated in the Tang Dynasty. Green tea leaves were steamed and turned into bricks which made the tea easier to transport. When it was time to consume the product, the leaves would be ground and mixed with salt and water. In the 1500's, the cultivation and consumption of matcha became a more formal ceremonial ritual that included four basic principles- harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility.

Matcha contains high concentrations of antioxidants which are known to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and protect against cell damage. One particularly poppin’ ingredient is an amino acid known as l-theanine- this stuff is amazing for reducing stress and helping you relax (without putting you to sleep 😴). Another cool fact about l-theanine is it can actually help protect your brain cells and promote cognitive function. A study was conducted and concluded that it may improve attention which would help promote better memory and executive function (planning, focusing on tasks, and multitasking are all examples of executive function skills).

If you're tired of coffee OR if coffee makes you jittery but you still want that AM caffeine boost, matcha is a great option to try! Almond milk matcha lattes are 👌🏻💋 *chefs kiss*

Hot Links

Ippodo Tea🍵: This is a family-run Japanese tea company founded in 1717. They have stellar products and their teas are delicious. Try the Sayaka matcha if you're new to the realm.

Depression 🤝🏻 Inflammation: Here is an interesting article that looks at the link between depression and inflammation, the potential for treatment, and how to manage inflammation on your own. P.S. Exercise can help mitigate inflammation AND depression 👀

TikTok Creator Spotlight🔦: Remy Morimoto Park (@veggiekins) creates a ton of matcha related content and tutorials among other vegan/gluten free recipes. She is a great resource if you want to perfect your matcha making tactics 🫖

L-Theanine🧬: Here is a link to learn more about the amino acid l-theanine and it's health benefits

🔥Meme Alert ⬇️

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Or take a look at our services (here) if you need help with anything fitness or nutrition related.