Str8 Protein


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Here's what we got for you:

  • How much protein do you need?

  • ☀️ in the AM?

  • Hot Links

  • Mfit meme to make your day

protein scoop victory

How much protein do I really need?

Protein is, indeed, a nutrient that needs to be prioritized. I'm always surprised when talking to people about protein. Many of us aren't aware of the functions of protein within the body OR the actual adequate amount required to fuel our bodies and keep us feeling strong. Protein plays a huge role throughout your life- and I'll let you in on why.

Protein is made up of amino acids. Some of these amino acids are produced by your body and are known as non-essential amino acids (you don't need to source these from foods as you naturally produce them). On the flip side, we have essential amino acids... Yep, you guessed it. These guys are not produced by our bodies naturally and we need to obtain them from external sources. Without adequate protein intake, it's almost like the body begins to fall apart.

  • Brittle hair and nails

  • Muscle weakness

  • Joint pain

  • Weakened bones (mineral density drops)

  • Fatigue

  • Weakened immune system

Those are just a few symptoms or issues someone who is under eating protein might struggle with. You can see how those issues would quickly spiral into larger ones (ex. weakened bones can lead to breaks or fractures, weakened immune system can lead to an array of diseases and other health issues, etc). Now that you're understanding the cons of missing out on your daily protein, let's get into how much you should be eating, along with some great high-protein options.

1 gram per pound of body weight.

⬆️ Sounds wild, right? This has been the "go to" number for athletes and bodybuilders alike for literally years. Research is showing that while we may not need nearly as much, there aren't really any detrimental effects created by eating that much. Studies throughout the years have shown us that .6-.8g/lb (bodyweight) is absolutely adequate. There ARE scenarios where higher protein is required, don't let me steer you wrong, but the classic 1g/lb is not the end-all be-all.

Okay, so now how can I pack more protein into my daily routine?

  • Protein Coffee ☕️- If you're an iced coffee person, you'll love this one. Throw some cold brew or a couple shots of espresso into your cup of choice with some protein. The bottled Fairlife shakes are a popular one for this protein-packed treat. Delicious, creamy, and full of those essential amino acids you need.

  • Deli Meat- Okay, don't go nuts with this one as deli meat can be pretty high in sodium... That being said, a quick snack with some sliced chicken or turkey breast, hummus, and crackers? Delicious. Feel free to throw in some tomatoes or peppers to get those micronutrients in.

  • Cottage Cheese & berries🫐- before you slam your phone down, hear me out. Cottage cheese is REALLY good, I swear. Give it a shot and you won't be disappointed. I love throwing a handful of blueberries and raspberries in a bowl with some. Another delicious option is to scoop cottage cheese onto toast (if you're a bread kinda person, sourdough is the way to go). Seems weird, I know, but do yourself a favor and give it a shot 🙂

How morning sunlight jump-starts your day

Right now, you have an internal clock telling your body when its time to GO and when its time to rest. Light actually helps to trigger this cycle and can be used as a tool to jump start your day.

Okay but what does sunlight ACTUALLY do? Good question- The sunlight triggers a rise in cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that will tell your body it's time to get moving and grooving for the day. Additionally to triggering cortisol, it also starts a secondary sort of timer so your body knows when to start producing melatonin later in the evening... Effectively telling you its time to go to bed and catch those 💤s.

To get the absolute max benefit from the sun, try and get anywhere from 2-10 minutes directly in the sun after waking (get outside!!). Cloudy and grey out? Shoot for 30 minutes- YES, you can still benefit from the minimal light! Artificial light, while not the same, can be used as a replacement or alternative if you rise before the sun. Check out the links below for a cool alarm clock that will help you kick off your day AND your internal clock : )

Hot Links

Sunlight... Right in those peepers 👀: Here is a sweet video outlining an optimal morning routine with Stanford Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman (can you tell that we like Huberman around here)

Best Protein Powder on the PLANET: I'm not kidding when I tell you that the Allmax Isoflex Whey Protein is the best protein powder I've ever tried. Blends well and the the flavors are out of this world... Chocolate PB is (undeniably) the best flavor 🤤

Rise with the SUN: Check out this alarm clock by Hatch- gradual light will help wake you up and trigger that internal clock for the day. People rave about it!

Protein for your COFFEE💪🏻: Here is a link to the Fairlife shakes I mentioned earlier. They really are delicious- in coffee or by themselves.

Whipped Cottage Cheese🧐: you read that right... try out this whipped cottage cheese recipe. It includes a delicious spread of raspberries an honey on toast. It's to die for!

🔥Memes bc its Monday ⬇️

big cheesin @ the jim

If you want more make sure to check us out on Insta!

Or take a look at our services (here) if you need help with anything fitness or nutrition related.