The Macro Method

PLUS: The Effects of Stress

Hey! This is the Malaika Fitness newsletter- The newsletter that turns health and fitness into a fun, easy-to-read email for you each week.

Take five minutes to learn why health and fitness should matter to you. 

Here's what we got for you:

  • The Macro Method

  • 😓The Effects of Stress

  • Hot Links

  • Mfit meme to make your day

The Macro Method

There are far too many "diets" or eating strategies to count, and more are constantly popping up. I'm sure you've tried at least one or two in the span of your lifetime. They may have worked.... or not... BUT- Never fear! I am here and I want to tell you about The Macro Method.

The Macro Method is simply tracking macros but I think "The Macro Method" sounds cooler 🙃 Macros, short for macronutrients, is the stuff you need to take in on the daily to keep that bod running like a well-oiled machine. Protein, carbohydrates, and fats! Tracking these macros is very similar to counting calories. You essentially ARE counting calories except we're more concerned about what foods you're eating to get those calories in. Lets break it down further👇🏻

🍳🥩🥛Protein: This stuff is 4 calories per gram

🍓🍌🍠Carbohydrates: These babies are also 4 calories per gram

🥜🧀🫒Fats: These ones are the odd man out- fat is 9 calories per gram

Now that you know the basics, let's create a set of macro targets for our imaginary friend, Jimbob. Jimbob's macros were calculated at 150g of protein, 250g of carbs, and 80g of fat based on his age, height, weight, and current activity level. If we do the math, we can calculate that Jimbob needs to be eating 2,320 calories every day in order to reach his individual goals (150 protein x 4 = 600 cals and so on). See how tracking macros is basically like tracking calories? We can keep track of our macros really easily thanks to technology : ) Whip out your cell phone and you'll have access to some awesome (and FREE) apps. Some of my favorite apps I've used in the past for tracking are Macros First, My Macros, and MyFitnessPal.

At the end of the day, the best diet for you will be one that you can stick to year round, helps you reach your goals, and doesn't really feel like an actual diet. Clients that I coach use macros to reach their goals and within the targets I create for them, I also remind them to stick to the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, you're making food choices that contribute to you achieving your goals and fueling your body with what it needs. 20% of the time, you chose to enjoy foods with no other reasoning aside from the fact that they make ya happy🙂🍩 Happy tracking! 

If you have questions about tracking macros or diets in general, feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] for more info!


Stress takes a wild toll on your body- It's crazy how much your psychological state can physically manifest itself! Literally all aspects of your life can be thrown off by chronic stress. Here's a list of some potential symptoms and issues one might deal with that could be caused by stress ⬇️

  • Deterioration of Mental Health- if you don't take the time to take care of yourself and your mental health, you could deal with larger issues apart from just stress like anxiety and depression

  • Digestive problems- no one needs to deal with an angry gut😢

  • Cardiovascular issues- elevated blood pressure 🩸(which can lead to larger heart diseases or complications)

  • Respiratory complications- shortness of breath and other conditions

To be quite frank, I know that there have been times where I have been able to channel stress and allow it to help me push through certain situations. Stress can definitely help to push us outside of our comfort zone and into a realm of growth, however, it's not something you should be dealing with ALL the time. Stress is VERY real and if it's taking a toll on you, don't be afraid or feel guilty for stepping back from your routine or the gym to allow yourself to heal a little. A couple days off from the gym isn't going to crush your gains and the time and energy you spend filling up your own cup will get you much further than those workouts. 💜

Hot Links 

Calculate your own macros: Here is a link I've set ya'll up with in prior newsletters... Use the calculator to determine where you should start out with tracking your macros!

Work causing CANCER?🫁: Check out this meta-analysis that takes a look at the link between work stress and risk of cancer throughout North America and Europe

Psychological Stress and Immunity: This meta-analysis takes a peek at how psychological stress can affect your immune system... Spoiler alert- Chronic stress can suppress immunity 👀😷

🔥Meme time!!! ⬇️

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Or take a look at our services (here) if you need help with anything fitness or nutrition related.