Memory and Muscles πŸ’ͺ🏻

Plus: What is LISS

GM :) This is the Malaika Fitness newsletter- The newsletter that turns health and fitness into a fun, easy-to-read email for you each week. 

We bring health and fitness into the light of day. 

Here's what we got for you today:

  • Creatine Monohydrate... for your mind and your muscles?

  • LISS

  • Hot Links

  • MalaikaFit MEME 😎

Creatine Monohydrate... for your brain?

Creatine is one of the most thoroughly researched, studied, and documented supplements in the fitness industry. Its most common and recommended form, creatine monohydrate, has wonderful effects on the body in terms of building strength and muscle. People who supplement daily with 3-5g can expect results such as an increase in strength, performance, power, and increased lean body mass. All of these pros come with virtually no cons when we look at the mass amounts of studies completed.

BUT WAIT! There's more...

New research is beginning to emerge about the effects of creatine on the brain. These studies are showing us that creatine monohydrate can help with improved memory performance. More impressive results were documented in older individuals- these are the people who generally see more of a decline in memory/recall. Long story short, no matter your age, do yourself a favor and add creatine monohydrate to your daily routine.

5g/day EVERY day. Throw a scoop into your workout drink of choice when training, and into a smoothie or shake on those chill rest days. I've linked a fav near the bottom of the page : ) 


Do you avoid running or cardio because of the intensity? You may be in luck. Low intensity steady state cardio is a personal favorite of mine. What is LISS? Take a stroll on a treadmill at a nice lil incline... BAM- omg you look so cute when you're doing your low intensity steady-state cardio πŸ₯Ή

Other examples of LISS include a nice bike ride, or a light jog! Hopefully enjoyable and maybe even a little relaxing for some people. V nice.

Hot Links

βœ… Creatine: Here is a πŸ’£ systematic review and meta-analysis of what creatine can do for yo' mind 🧠 If you want to snag a some of this magical powder, you can check out this link to a great option on Amazon

βœ… Can exercise suppress cancer...?  πŸ§ Check out this article to find out!

βœ… We have got some schemers on our hands‼️: US Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics were found to be taking money to wrongly steer consumers- this one is a must read

βœ… Earth 2.0: Too soon to tell, but this planet seems to be within a habitable zone?! Def a cool find to know about- read the NASA article here πŸŒŽ

MFit MEMEs! (to make your day πŸ™‚ )

Mrs. Frizzle

That's a wrap for this week! Stay healthy and see ya soon- If you want more, be sure to follow us on social media... or take a look at our services (here) for anything fitness or nutrition related!

DISCLAIMER: The information in this newsletter is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. It should not be used for diagnosing or prescribing medication.  If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, please consult your healthcare provider.