Olive Oil 🤝🏻 Your Brain

PLUS: What is Biohacking?

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Olive Oil 🤝🏻 Your Brain

Way back in the day, Hippocrates used to refer to olive oil as "the great healer". We also see it nicknamed "liquid gold" in translations from The Odyssey... Even 3,000 years ago, without the use of a single search engine, people were hip to the power of plants and food!

Olive oil contains a compound called oleocanthal. This stuff is a phenylethanoid or phenolic compound that is responsible for the little spicy burn sensation olive oil creates in the back of your throat. Don't know what I'm talking about? Throw some on a spoon and toss it down the hatch.

Oleocanthal is SO COOL. Research is showing us that this stuff has incredible anti-inflammatory properties similar to Ibuprofen. In addition, this phenolic compound has been found to have beneficial effects when it comes to fighting neurological diseases (think of degenerative ones like Alzheimers, for example) and different types of cancers🤯

How can you start reaping the incredible benefits of oleocanthal? Here are some tips-

  • Consume "The Great Healer"🍳- literally, though. Just eat it! Incorporate olive oil in your meals and recipes instead of products like canola oil, vegetable oil, or butter. Cooking with this oil CAN neutralize some of the benefits but the oil itself will not become carcinogenic or "unhealthy" like other oils (canola and soybean oil are some examples of oils that aren't so great to cook with when it comes to health).

  • Buy smaller bottles- olive oil, like most things, has a shelf life. When you opt for smaller bottles at the store, your oil is going to stay fresher as you'll be able to use it within a reasonable window. I used to stock up with big containers but it might not be the best idea if you're looking to maintain the freshness and quality of the oil. Think about a container size that can be consumed within a 2-3 month period.

  • The vessel for the oil should be a dark glass- plastic and light colors can allow light to pass through and oxidize these incredible compounds which renders them useless 🚫


Biohacking is big time trending- some people are all about it and others refuse to touch the term with a ten-foot pole! What actually is biohacking? I've covered it for ya below :)

Merriam-Webster defines biohacking as "biological experimentation (as by gene editing or the use of drugs or implants) done to improve the qualities or capabilities of living organisms especially by individuals and groups working outside a traditional medical or scientific research environment". This definition starts of pretty strong with "biological experimentation" 😅- A more "gentle" definition to describe what we're talking about is the practice of optimizing an individuals health and/or well-being through lifestyle changes, technology, and other methods with the goal of improving both physical and mental performance.

As we established above, biohacking covers some pretty crazy stuff like gene editing... But do you know what else is considered biohacking? Yoga, meditation, exercise, even fasting! SURPRISE! You have probably been participating in some biohacking at some point in your life. The term biohacking gets a lot of flack because the body, naturally, is always trying to optimize its functions- which makes sense! Others are simply "against" biohacking because of the more extreme applications. Editing genes is certainly a realm that bleeds out into the unknown. You could manipulate some gene sequence in your body and that same sequence could be passed down for generations to come... Sure, there might be positive aspects that come along with that specific edited sequence, but what happens if the outcome isn't so exciting...? What would this mean for all of the people who are born carrying this gene...⁉️

Biohacking is a very subject that covers an incredibly wide range of topics- some are incredibly positive and powerful and others pull in serious situations and possibilities that require heavy discussion about ethics and morals. Regardless, biohacking isn't going anywhere and I'm sure as technology evolves, we will learn more about the possibilities of what the future may hold.

Hot Links

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🔥Memes bc its Monday ⬇️

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